the industry, abrasive shots are widely used to clean, smoothened, deform,
stripping, peening and shaping the metal surfaces. There are different types of
abrasive elements. These are classified as; shots, grits, and glass beads.
Amongst these, cut wire shot is
widely used to clean the metal surface for subsequent processing. The three
main categories of abrasives and their uses are as follows.
Shots: In this category, you will
find various kinds, including stainless
steel shots, SS shots, steel cut wire shots, zinc cut wire shots, and
others are used in the shot blasting
process. Amongst these, steel shots are mainly used for cleaning of metal
surfaces from dirt, rust, paint coatings, and mill scale. These shots are also
used to modify the metal surface so that paint coating can easily stick to it.
wire shots are used in blast cleaning, vibratory finishing, as well as shot
peening. Cut wire shots can be made with zinc, copper, aluminium and other
2). Grits: There are different types of
grits including, steel grit, aluminium oxide grit, chilled iron grit and many
more. These are also used to remove rust and paints from the cars in the
garage. Furthermore, steel grit is also used in industry for surface
preparation, stone cutting, as well as peening.
3). Glass beads: These abrasive elements
are environmentally friendly and are widely used to clean and deburr those
parts that can be damaged if harder elements like steel or other metric shots
are used.Glass beads can be recycled multiple times,
which makes it very economical. However, it has come to the notice of experts
that extensive use of glass beads can cause severe skin problem. Since glass
beads can clean the metal parts without etching the surface on which it is
used, you will find it is commonly used during automotive restoration,
footwear, tyre mould cleaning as well as in polishing of castings.
above points show how important shot blasting technique is in the manufacturing
sector and how different kinds of abrasives are used for different kind of processes.
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